Midnight Puppet
As you know, Midnight Puppet is the Children musical I did courtesy of the talented sisters aka Jia Rong and Jia Ying who gave me the chance to play the lead role Rudolph, narrator cum butler.
Just a few pictures to keep your tastebuds tantalised...

After the concert, we still had work to do... Yes, we poor people still have to go and do exchanges...
As though we are some sort of celebrity, we have to do some stage presentations to wow crowds from Sabah but its cool, the children were really entertained...

And well, after a hard week's work, we deserve some rest and were whisked away (literally) on a speed boat to the island of Manukan... A beautiful island with crystal clear water, jelly fish infested waters and beautiful coral and fishies to swim with. I snorkelled away only to have sun burned body (kesian)... Banana boat was one of the highlights of th day with Jia Ying tossed over each time only to resurface with a all washed up face...

And a tribute to Sussana Saw, from KK...

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