What' going on?

Is there a need to really ridicule this rapper?
Am I on 50's defence?
Well, yes and no...
Its true that it look blasphemous that he is wearing that thing but yet preach something of the total opposite yet who cares?
I mean I thought that Jesus asked us to carry our cross daily and that does not include a bling bling one or a wood carven one...
Its all in the heart...
And i think that is what is important.
The cross in the Roman empire days were the worst kinda punishment given to offenders.
He may jsut wear it cos everyone else is doing it and may not know the implication...
Bottom line is I am glad he wore it.
This gives me great opportunity to tell my friends about Christ and about the Cross...
He may have done us a favour eventhough he may not be one who preach or in his context rap about Jesus...