Its my lil spot where I emancipate the world to you...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

17th August 2006

It's just about 9.15 this morning my brother called from school telling my mum about how the boys in school teased him...
It is normal for one fact that if they teased him about some normal stuff like too short, or too fat or stuff that are not really sensitive but instead he came crying telling how persecuted he felt about the boys especially some Malay boys teasing him about his religion...
10 year olds talking about things they hardly understand and we are all left to wonder where on earth did these kids get the slightest idea or motion about such discrimination.
The present day war left many scared. People tend to emancipate their feelings while they tell the world about their different views. I was thaught not to look at such situations with my feelings and I find it very true. We are not in the middle of the war nor are we directly or indirectly affected or involved with the war...
We as outsiders can or may only observe and appreciatte as we evaluate the gathered facts putting or deceitful feelings aside.
I think it is a role of the parents never to discuss such sensitive matters in front of the kids especially at this age because they tend to get half or perhaps a quarter of the meaning with their limited understanding.
We may tell them what is happening around the world but we must NOT inject hatred into such conversations...
Who are we to say who is right and who is wrong?
Why are we becoming self proclaiming judges when none of such comments would built nor help the war at hand?
As bystanders it is easy to take sides as that is human nature but why are we segregating our children already?
Are we making enemies out of them already?
Why are people being such a pain in the a**? Have you not heard of one man's meat is another man's poison?
When will the mature Malaysians learn to respect others culture and believe...
For all they know, they may the ones who are terribly wrong...


Blogger BooNMiNG said...

hi ... just to drop a hi to u !!

6:38 PM


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